Monday, March 21, 2016

30 Day Calendar | Phase 3

I made it to Day 20
    It's true once you get to week 3 things get much much easier. I did eat meat twice in Phase 2, I was feeling really weak and felt like I needed heavy protein. None the less I think progress is still taking place and looking forward to finish this month out strong.

 30 Day Calendar
10 Days
Phase 1:  No added SUGAR, SALT OR FLOUR
Phase 2: No Meat
Phase 3: No Red Meat

7 Days
Phase 1: No Bread
Phase 2: No Pasta
Phase 3: Soups and Salads
Phase 4: Green Detox Smoothies

5 Days
Phase 1: Only Fruits and Veggies
Phase 2: Smoothies (No Bread)
Phase 3: Soups and Salads (only white meat)
Phase 4: Fruits,Veggies, grains and nuts 
Phase 5: Meal Prep for week
Phase 6: Smoothies

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