Thursday, March 31, 2016

Day 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 Body Transformation

Check it out

The Next 30 days should be Peachy
I'll be recording, so be sure to Subscribe and follow me on social media

I'm ready to knock down door 

TaDai Live  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day 30 | 90 day Challenge | Body Images

I feel amazing, absolutely amazing

Excuse my awkward facial expressions

Bust: 36 in
Chest: 30 in
Waist: 29 in
Stomach: 31 in
Hips: 38 in
Butt: 41 in
Thigh: 17/37 in

Lost 4lbs and gain 2lb of muscle
Lost 2 inches of my waist/stomach
Grew an inch around the butt
Lost 2 inches around the thigh

Goal Size by April 1st

Waist:28 1/2 in
Stomach: 29-30 in
Butt: 42 in
Thigh: 17/37 in

I achieved my goal size for the first 30 days of this challenge YAY!

Progression is slow to show
TaDai Live

Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 25 | 90 day Challenge

   This No Red Meat has worked out well, I'm even considering going Vegan. My body feels totally different without heavy meats, I don't often eat meat if I do it's like shrimp and fish.
    I'm always proud when I continue something and see results, but it's only day 25.

 Measurements are in 5 days

If you need some motivation please FB or Tweet Me

TaDai Live

Monday, March 21, 2016

Day 1 | 10 | 20 Body Transformation

Pictures don't lie

Looking at these pictures really motivates me to keep going.

TaDai Live

30 Day Calendar | Phase 3

I made it to Day 20
    It's true once you get to week 3 things get much much easier. I did eat meat twice in Phase 2, I was feeling really weak and felt like I needed heavy protein. None the less I think progress is still taking place and looking forward to finish this month out strong.

 30 Day Calendar
10 Days
Phase 1:  No added SUGAR, SALT OR FLOUR
Phase 2: No Meat
Phase 3: No Red Meat

7 Days
Phase 1: No Bread
Phase 2: No Pasta
Phase 3: Soups and Salads
Phase 4: Green Detox Smoothies

5 Days
Phase 1: Only Fruits and Veggies
Phase 2: Smoothies (No Bread)
Phase 3: Soups and Salads (only white meat)
Phase 4: Fruits,Veggies, grains and nuts 
Phase 5: Meal Prep for week
Phase 6: Smoothies

Follow me on Social Media
TaDai Live 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day 1-15 | Comparison

In 15 days my body has changed little by little but changing.
I think the progress is amazing

Half way through the first month and I feel smaller already

Keep Going

TaDai Walker

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day 15 | 90 day Challenge

Good Morning

     I feel completely the same,as in I don't think there was much change in my body.
My boyfriend says that he sees a difference, he thinks I look more toned in my legs, butt and arms.

 My lower belly is the most stubborn place on my body, I'm getting smaller everywhere accept there.... What can I do to get it to go down??????

Not Discouraged just annoyed

TaDai Live

Friday, March 11, 2016

DIY Detox Bath

Working out 3-5 times a week for 45mins are more can really put some strains on the body.
 Balancing work, my relationship, and home obligations can also put a lot of stress on the body.

If you're craving some alone time to distress, meditate, and relax with your busy schedule try this detox bath 2x a week.

Releasing poisonous substances from your body can really affect your health.
 The days of my Detox bath I make sure I eat healthy and drink lots of water at least 9 glasses.

Want to try your own detox bath try

2 cups of Epsom salt
2 tbsp of Hydrogen Peroxide
10 drops of Lavender essential oil 
1 Detox tea bag
1/2 cup Baking Power

These home recipes will help your body get in shape in no time, they'll also leave your body smooth and relaxed. Soak in the tub for 20 mins and let your body absorb the minerals. You will feel rejuvenated and purified.

If you have any great tips about detox bath please Facebook me TaDai Live

Sweat the impurities away

TaDai Live

Day 1, 5, 10 Body Transformation

Phase 1: No Flour, Salt, and/or added Sugar for 10 days

Day 1-3 were the hardest days
 I would randomly have craving sweets and scents of maple or just sugary things in general.

Day 4-5 I felt more calmer and less moody about no being able to eat sweets.

Day 6 Cheat Day
 I had a bagel, a pineapple and cheddar bagel with lox on top. I ate the entire thing in one sitting

Day 7-10 Smoothies, Fruit, Vegetables and nuts
 I really felt bad about eating that entire bagel, so I decided to go on a cleanse. Only the first day was hard.

 I can feel and see the difference in my body
I have more energy, less sluggish and getting bikini ready.

Have drive, patience and eat healthy

TaDai Walker

90 Day Challenge | Day 10

   OMG! I made it through 10 days, phase 1 is over.

                            I feel stronger  

I can finally eat BREAD! In moderation of course

Here are my day 10 Pictures

 I lost 1 inch around my stomach
My arms are much more toned

To the next 10 days

TaDai Live

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Day 1 and Day 5 body transformation

Do you see a difference?

Let me know!

  It's only been 5 days into Phase 1, the first 3 days were the hardest but my body kindly adjusted to the no added sugar, salt and/or flour.

Lost 1 inch around my lower belly YAY!

5 more days until phase 1 is over, can't wait to see the end results

Keep pushing even when you're tired and your body is exhausted

TaDai Live

Hope to hear from you soon 

90 Day Challenge | Day 5

I know I still have a ways to go but I'm motivated and saying committed and strong

Here's some day 5 photos of me

Do you see a difference from day 1?  please comment and/or find me on Facebook TaDai Live

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

First 90 day Challenge Dec-Feb

Check out my first challenge on YouTube

It was a struggle but I did it and I'm so proud of my self

I lost 8 lbs
I lost 4 inches
I gained 2.5 lbs muscle

body mass was 26.5 now 21

Follow me on Social media for daily updates

YouTube/ TaDai Live
Facebook/ TaDai Live
Twitter/ TaDai Live
Instagram/ TaDai Live
Snapchat/ tadailicious

Thank you for the support

Push through your pain

TaDai Live

Low - Carb Breakfast

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day......
   Before I really started researching healthier meals, I would just go off what I wanted that morning. Pancakes, Bacon, Waffles, Chicken, and greaseeeeeeee. Having a student restaurant on campus didn't make it any better, so I was conditioned to eating a certain way WHATEVER and WHENEVER.
  I decided to cut out meat from breakfast all together and used eggs as my morning protein. Eggs a lot of different ways. I traded white breads for whole grain breads and added oatmeal to my weekly breakfast plan.

  Eating mostly fruits and veggies for breakfast has kept my weight consistent.

My top choices for Breakfast

Choice #1
1/2 grapfruit
1/2 avocado
2 scrambled eggs

Choice #2
1 whole grain muffin
1 tbsp peanut butter
1/4 cup raspberries
1/2 tsp chia seeds
1/4 avocado
1/2 tsp brie cheese
1/2 flax seeds 

Eat Healthy

TaDai Live


90 Day Challenge| Day 1 | Measurements

Measurements #1
       I will be taking my measurements every 30 days .

Areas I want to improve

I noticed since my last 90 day challenge I've gained inches back around my stomach. This is my problem area, I'm always looking for ways to not be bloated. Any ideas on how to keep from being bloated all the time?


Bust: 36 in
Chest: 30 in
Waist: 29 1/2 in
Stomach: 32 1/2 in
Hips: 38 in
Butt: 40 in
Thigh: 19/39 in

Goal Size by April 1st

Waist:28 1/2 in
Stomach: 29-30 in
Butt: 42 in
Thigh: 17/37 in

Wish me luck

TaDai Live